Maryland Dairy Princess Association

The Maryland Dairy Princess Program offers a unique opportunity for youth development to those passionate about the dairy industry. Participants travel their region and the state promoting milk and dairy products and sharing information about dairy farming. They visit stores, malls, fairs, schools, festivals, and more, sharing the dairy story - nutritious, high-quality products, from happy, healthy cows, on well-cared for, environmentally sound farms.

Young ladies with ties to the dairy industry, between the ages of 16 and 21, can compete in their region to serve as dairy princesses. Youth between the ages of 9 and 15 are also encouraged to assist with dairy promotions as a "Dairy Miss".
The program is an excellent opportunity to gain valuable experience in public relations and promotion as well as self-confidence and poise.
Seven regional dairy princesses are crowned in the spring and will attend a training seminar in July to receive the tools needed throughout her reign. The Maryland Dairy Princess Contest will be held during the Maryland State Fair.

In addition to the honor of serving, regional dairy princesses receive gifts and cash awards when participating in the state contest. The state princess receives a cash award and mileage reimbursement during her reign. Additional awards are presented to the alternate state princess, and winners of the "best presentation" and "best milk toast" honors. Candidates may receive additional cash awards through the scholarship, incentive and scrapbook programs.
Do you qualify?

Candidates must:
• Maintain residency in Maryland (may attend an out-of-state college)
• Be an active member of a Maryland 4-H, FFA or Dairy Breed organization
• May not hold a farm organization or dairy breed title that would cross over for more than three months
Fulfill one or more of the following requirements:
• Own or lease at least one dairy animal
• Be enrolled in a dairy-related 4-H or FFA project, such as “4-H Healthy Living” foods projects with an emphasis in dairy foods, dairy leasing program, dairy judging, FFA Milk Quality and Products CDE or FFA Dairy Handling CDE
• Be employed herself, or the daughter of someone, in a dairy-related industry, including a dairy farm manager, herdsman, veterinarian, feed supplier, milk inspector, worker in a farm store or cooperative, etc.
Age requirements:
• Dairy Princess Program: Be 16 years old during the contest year and must not reach her 22nd birthday by December 31
Dairy Miss Program: Be 9 years old during the contest year and must not reach her 15th birthday by December 31
* Out-of-state participants will need to be approved by the board.